Fresh Salad Meal Prep with Tuna and Dill

Fresh Salad Meal Prep with Tuna and Dill

Try this meal prep for fresh healthy lunches this week, it makes about 4 large salads. Let us know what you think! Mix peppers, onions, celery, and dill. Separate spinach into four meal prep containers and top with vegetable mixture. When you’re ready to eat it,...
What Are HIIT Workouts And Why Should I Be Doing Them?

What Are HIIT Workouts And Why Should I Be Doing Them?

High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is a form of exercise technique in which the body performs at it’s fullest potential (maximum effort) for segment of time (30 seconds – 1 min), followed by a short recovery time (rest or active rest). The cycle is...
5 Yoga Poses For Anxiety and Depression

5 Yoga Poses For Anxiety and Depression

 Child’s Pose (Balasana) How To Do It: Start in a table-top position (hands and knees… shoulders over wrists… hips over knees) Bring your big toes together behind you and bring your knees out a little wider (toward edges of the mat) Walk your fingers forward (toward...

Fatty Friends and Foes

A diet HIGH in good-for-you fats and LOW in bad-for-you fats will: Make you feel more satisfied Increase calorie burning Lower risk of breast cancer Lower risk of heart attack Lower risk of type 2 diabetes Here is what you need to know when it comes to fat,...

Give Your Brain A Good Workout. Meditate!

Give Your Brain A Good Workout. Meditate! What do you prioritize in your daily routine? You brush your teeth, you wash your face, you shower, you eat healthy food, you workout. If you feel sick you take extra vitamins, drink juice, maybe even take a trip to the...