Why Your Office Needs A Workplace Wellness Program

Why Your Office Needs A Workplace Wellness Program

It’s no secret that happy, healthy employees typically generate higher levels of productivity and tend to be more pleasant to work with. Employers are catching on and wellness programs in the workplace are becoming more popular among successful businesses as a result....
What Is Mindfulness?

What Is Mindfulness?

What is Mindfulness? Do you know that feeling when the brain goes on autopilot and suddenly your home from work without much recollection of the drive, or you’ve finished off an entire bag of potato chips before noticing the empty bag. These are examples of what...
What Are HIIT Workouts And Why Should I Be Doing Them?

What Are HIIT Workouts And Why Should I Be Doing Them?

High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is a form of exercise technique in which the body performs at it’s fullest potential (maximum effort) for segment of time (30 seconds – 1 min), followed by a short recovery time (rest or active rest). The cycle is...
5 Yoga Poses For Anxiety and Depression

5 Yoga Poses For Anxiety and Depression

 Child’s Pose (Balasana) How To Do It: Start in a table-top position (hands and knees… shoulders over wrists… hips over knees) Bring your big toes together behind you and bring your knees out a little wider (toward edges of the mat) Walk your fingers forward (toward...

Types Of Meditation

Silent Seated Meditation: Find a quiet spot in your home, outside, or anywhere free from distractions. You want to find a seat that is comfortable yet keeps you upright with a straight spine. I do not recommend lying down if you are new to meditation because it is too...